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Population: 273,500 million people. Muslim majority with a strong desire for Halal products.
Opportunity for Vitamin and Mineral Growth in Indonesia
The United States has an excellent reputation in Indonesia for health and food supplements, accounting for 80% of the market share. Indonesia has the second-highest growth in the ASEAN region in health and food supplement products, accounting for 35% of the ASEAN Economic Zone and 55 million middle-class consumers are expected to increase to 135 million by 2030.
People’s Points of View
Rakuten Insight surveyed Indonesians on dietary supplements in March 2022; 56% said they used them and 58% said they got them from pharmacies. 86% of responders use vitamins or nutraceuticals to boost their immune systems.
Vitamins (particularly for youngsters) and supplements that improve beauty and prevent sickness have the best sales chances, says a Global Trade survey. Weight loss and bodybuilding supplements, as well as products to boost sex life and stamina are also extremely popular.
Retail Pharmacy Industry in Indonesia Dominates Sales
Currently, retail sales dominate the supplement market, accounting for 96-97% of total sales. Online is expanding, but it will not be dominant in the next 10-15 years.
Capture the Opportunity
These markets are complex to enter, and many have failed. Our established network of team members and partners covers all aspects from initial market analysis, regulatory registration, logistics, marketing, and sales. All based on a proven process. Supplement sales in Asia are still very retail driven, and most brands that focuses online miss out on a large part of the sales opportunity.
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